Focus of Devotion
Rissho Kosei-kai's religious faith is deeply rooted in the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha as the first human being awakened to the Dharma - the invisible entity that sustains us, guides us, and improves us. For Buddhists, it is natural to symbolize the Dharma through an image of Shakyamuni Buddha, who not only preached what became Buddhism but was a living example of it. A symbolic image of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni is enshrined in the organization's Great Sacred Hall in Tokyo. The more than 240 Rissho Kosei-kai churches throughout Japan and overseas also each has a focus of devotion before which the members of some 180 million households dedicate themselves to religious practice to fulfill their mission of creating a peaceful, happy world. |
10:00am - Chanting Service
10:45am - Dharma Circle